T-minus 5 days to Italy 2017

T-minus 5 days to Italy 2017

5 days to go.  Wow, this is coming up quickly.  As I sit here and print my hotel booking for Paris, I realize that there is one other thing I want to do and that is determining how we are going to get from the airport to the hotel.  I realize that there are trains and cabs and all these types of transit, but I know that I will be tired as hell and won't want to think about navigating from the airport to the hotel.  I want to come up with a plan now so that I'm prepared when the time comes.

I looked back on the last trip and saw that last year at this time, I said a few things.  Washing clothes for the trip, identifying what will go with you, building a packing list... these are all on the to-do's for this time before a trip.  That being said, I kept it short and sweet then, so I can do the same now.

Bottom line: wash your clothes, make a list, DON'T PACK YOUR STUFF YET!  That is the best advice I have.  Right now, I'm watching Something's Gotta Give to get more excited about Paris (especially since Le Grand Colbert is on the destinations list) and making sure that I have my ducks in a row from the transportation side of the house.

Thanks, y'all!

Tourist Traps

Tourist Traps

T-minus 1 week to Italy 2017

T-minus 1 week to Italy 2017