T-minus 3 days to Italy 2017

T-minus 3 days to Italy 2017

3 days to go and tonight is the gathering night.  Tonight, you gather all of your things but don't pack yet.  This is your opportunity to make sure that everything will fit in the bag(s) that you have chosen to go with you.  The main thing that I am doing tonight is finalizing what tech I am taking with me.  Now, most people don't need to take the same stuff that I take, but the list could be similar.  I'm taking:

  1. My new camera

  2. Cell phone

  3. Galaxy Tab (it was a debate between this and my iPad, but I'm going with the Galaxy Tab this trip)

  4. Adesso wireless Bluetooth keyboard

  5. Spare SD cards

  6. Spare batteries(AA's for my camera, AAA's for my Bluetooth keyboard)

While SquareSpace does make it easy to blog from the phone, it is easier on the full website, hence the Galaxy Tab and wireless keyboard.  Last year, I only took my phone and did it all from my phone.  This year, I'm testing a new idea.

Packing all of the things that I need for this trip is proving fun, to say the least.  With enough preparation for the week or so beforehand, packing doesn't have to be a nightmare, it can be rather fun!  Gathering things into a pile is the main thing of tonight and, of course, watching my travel movies.  Tonight will be short and sweet and know, that despite my aversion to girly struggles, the hardest part of tonight was building the wardrobe I'm taking with me.  Go figure.

Thanks, y'all!

T-minus 2 days to Italy 2017

T-minus 2 days to Italy 2017

Tourist Traps

Tourist Traps